What Faith Is And Does
To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God's approval.
It is by faith that we understand that the
universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.Hebrews 11:1-3
Faith affirms the certainty that comes as we continue in our commitment to trust Jesus and His Word. As we do, we become assured of the reality of God and the heaven that awaits us. To test the validity of the statement, consider the steadfast faith of elderly believers who have continued trusting Jesus through great trials, sorrows and pain. They will tell you that Jesus has become so real and precious to them that they are absolutely sure of Him and the truthfulness of His promises.
Don't let times of doubt discourage you. Keep trusting and obeying the Lord Jesus and His Word. As you do, your confidence will grow.
Our Daily Bread
- January 26, 2001