The Lost Son
"...He was still a long way from home when his father saw him; his heart was filled with pity, and he ran, threw his arms around his son, and kissed him. 'Father,' the son said, 'I have sinned against God and against you. I am no longer fit to be called your son.' But the father called to his servants. 'Hurry!' he said. 'Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. Then go and get the prize calf and kill it, and let us celebrate with a feast! For this son of mine was dead, but now he is alive; he was lost, but now he has been found.' And so the feasting began.
Luke 15:20-24
If something similar happens remember that we should have enough of God's love to celebrate with the kind of joy He feels when a dearly loved rebel comes home. Those who deserve love the least need it the most.
Our Daily Bread - July 26, 2001