Stop Sinning - Live the Righteous Life - Be Victorious

Remember there is always hope with the next sunrise


The rest of your life depends on the rest of your nights. God is always watching, so you can peacefully go to sleep. You can not only sleep, but you can do so peacefully if you recognize that your heavenly Father is tenderly watching over you.

I lie down and sleep, and all night long the LORD protects me. I am not afraid of the thousands of enemies who surround me on every side. Come, LORD! Save me, my God! You punish all my enemies and leave them powerless to harm me. Victory comes from the LORD - may he bless his people. Psalm 3:5-8


You can't put your sins behind you until you face them. Do not become bitter over the correction that comes our way because of our sin. Learn from God's correction. Live the righteous life.

When we are punished, it seems to us at the time something to make us sad, not glad. Later, however, those who have been disciplined by such punishment reap the peaceful reward of a righteous life. Hebrews 12:11


Christ's resurrection is the guarantee of our own resurrection. The rising sun is a sure thing, and so is the certainty of our resurrection in Jesus Christ. The dark night of death came upon Him, and His lifeless body was laid in the tomb. But He arose! And in His resurrection is the promise of our own resurrection to life.

But the truth is that Christ has been raised from death, as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised. For just as death came by means of a man, in the same way the rising from death comes by means of a man. For just as all people die because of their union with Adam, in the same way all will be raised to life in his proper order: Christ, first of all; then, at the time of his coming, those who belong to him. Then the end will come; Christ will overcome all spiritual rulers, authorities, and powers, and will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father. 1 Corinthians 15:20-24