You Are God’s Temple
And the quality of each person’s work will be seen when the Day of Christ exposes it. For on that Day fire will reveal everyone’s work; the fire will test it and show its real quality. If what was built on the foundation survives the fire, the builder will receive a reward. But if anyone’s work is burnt up, then he will lose it; but he himself will be saved, as if he had escaped through the fire.
Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you! So if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple.
1 Corinthians 3:13-17
Praise God for the privilege
of working alongside of Him.
For with the Lord, our work matters!
In God’s symphony of service, every part is important.
Our Daily Bread – May 28, 2002