What Was Written About Me
Is Coming True
Then Jesus asked his disciples, "When I sent you out that time without purse, bag, or shoes, did you lack anything?" "Not a thing," they answered. "But now," Jesus said, "whoever has a purse or a bag must take it; and whoever does not have a sword must sell his coat and buy one. For I tell you that the scripture which says, He shared the fate of criminals, must come true about me, because what was written about me is coming true." The disciples said, "Look! Here are two swords, LORD!" "That is enough!" he replied.
Luke 22:35-38
Jesus first told the disciples to go out with nothing. Then he told them to bring their bags and a sword. Was he contradicting himself? No. He was teaching two parallel lessons. He wanted His disciples to depend on Him, and He wanted them to prepare for the tough times ahead. They later learned that He was not expecting them to use their swords to protect Him.
We must be obedient to the LORD and trust Him for our daily needs. But He also wants us to be wise and do what we can to prepare for the future.
Trust God for today and prepare for tomorrow.
Our Daily Bread October 18, 2002