Try To Learn What Pleases The LORD


Do not let anyone deceive you with foolish words; it is because of these very things that God’s anger will come upon those who do not obey him. So have nothing at all to do with such people. You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord’s people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth. Try to learn what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the worthless things that people do, things that belong to the darkness. Instead, bring them out to the light.

Ephesians 5:6-11


You can’t just say you love Christ and go on with your lives, living the way you lived before Christ saved you. You have to live a life of Christ. Otherwise you are playing a deadly game, and you will not enjoy everlasting life.

If our faith is real, our goal will be to honor our LORD and not live like those who don’t know Him. That is a sure sign of genuine faith.

When Jesus comes into a life, he changes everything.

Our Daily Bread – March 22, 2002