Rejected But Loved
The LORD was with Joseph and made him successful. He lived in the house of his Egyptian master, who saw that the LORD was with Joseph and made him successful in everything he did.
Genesis 39:2
The jailer did not have to look after anything for which Joseph was responsible, because the LORD was with Joseph and made him succeed in everything he did.
Genesis 39:23
The pain of rejection is all too real in our world: a child rejected by parents, a wife whose husband turns his back on her, a daughter who rejects her father, a father who rejects his daughter. It is all painful. Joseph must have had a stabbing pain when his brothers sold him. The pain must have been unbearable. Yet he overcame this setback and many more because the LORD was with him. He stayed in fellowship with God (Genesis 39:2); He did his job well (Genesis 39:4-6); He refused to be swayed by temptation (Genesis 39:7-12); and when he was rejected by his boss, he remained committed to God (Genesis 39:20-23).
Rejection by people will happen. But for the Christian, rejection by God will never occur. Cling to God. His love and care will carry you through.
No one is more secure than those who are in God’s hands.
Our Daily Bread – January 16, 2002