Marriage is not a federation of two sovereign states. It is a union -
Domestic - Social - Spiritual - Physical
It is a fusion of two hearts - the union of two lives - the coming together of two tributaries, which, after being joined in marriage, will flow in the same channel in the same direction...carrying the same burdens of responsibility and obligation.
The average woman, if she gives her full time to her home, her husband, her children...
If she tries to understand her husband's work...
To curb his egotism while, at the same time, building up his self-esteem
To kill his masculine conceit while encouraging all his hopes
To establish around the family a circle of true friends...
If she provides in the home a proper atmosphere of culture of love of music - of beautiful furniture - and of a garden...
If she can do all this, she will be engaged in a life work that will demand every ounce of her strength - every bit of her patience - every talent God has given her - the utmost sacrifice of her love.
It will demand everything she has and more. And she will find that for which she was created. She will know that she is carrying out the plan of God. She will be a partner with the Sovereign Ruler of the universe.
And so, today's daughters need to think twice before they seek to make a place for themselves, by themselves, in our world today...
A Man Called Peter - Catherine Marshall