I Will Give You Thanks Forever


I praise you, LORD, because you have saved me and kept my enemies from gloating over me. I cried for help, O LORD my God, and you healed me; you kept me from the grave. I was on my way to the depths below, but you restored my life.

Sing praise to the LORD, all his faithful people! Remember what the Holy One has done, and give him thanks! His anger lasts only a moment, his goodness for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning.

I felt secure and said to myself, "I will never be defeated." You were good to me, LORD; you protected me like a mountain fortress. But then you hid yourself from me, and I was afraid.

I call to you LORD; I begged for your help: "What will you gain from my death? What profit from my going to the grave? Are dead people able to praise you? Can they proclaim your unfailing goodness? Hear me, LORD, and be merciful! Help me, LORD!"

You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy. So I will not be silent; LORD, you are my God; I will give you thanks forever.

Psalm 30: 1-12

Often it takes times of tragedy to remind us of what really matters in life. When things are going well, we can easily get preoccupied with what we own. We become tied to so many nonessential, unimportant things. Have you spent time today praising God for your life and for the people He has given you to share it with? That is what really matters.

When you think of all that’s good, give thanks to God.

Our Daily Bread – November 27, 2002