In His Word I Trust


From the depth of my despair I call to you, LORD. Hear my cry, O Lord; listen to my call for help! If you kept a record of our sins, who could escape being condemned? But you forgive us, so that we should reverently obey you.

I wait eagerly for the LORD’s help, and in his word I trust. I wait for the Lord more eagerly than watchmen wait for the dawn – than watchmen wait for the dawn. Israel, trust in the LORD, because his love is constant and he is always willing to save. He will save his people Israel from all their sins.

Psalm 130:1-8

We know the LORD looks after us. He watches over at night and in the day, regardless of where we are in life. When we are hurting or in distress over our sin, we can look up and wait with anticipation. The LORD will come! Whether through a promise directly from His Word, the wise counsel from a friend, or the quiet witness of the Holy Spirit, He will meet our need – as certainly as the morning light always breaks through the darkness of night.

Those who wait on the LORD will never be disappointed.

Our Daily Bread – October 29, 2002