Honor All People


I appeal to you, my friends, as strangers and refugees in this world! Do not give in to bodily passions, which are always at war against the soul. Your conduct among the heathen should be so good that when they accuse you of being evildoers, they will have to recognize your good deeds and so praise God on the Day of his coming.

For the sake of the Lord submit yourselves to every human authority: to the Emperor, who is the supreme authority, and to the governors, who have been appointed by him to punish the evildoers and to praise those who do good. For God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good things you do. Live as free people; do not, however, use your freedom to cover up any evil, but live as God’s slaves. Respect everyone, love your fellow believers, have reverence for God, and respect the Emperor.

1 Peter 2:11-17

We are told to honor all people because each human life is created by God, and because God created us, he highly values each and everyone of us. To despise others offends the person but also the Lord. As we go through this day, let us reflect God’s love by showing honor to all we meet.

We dishonor God when we despise others.

Our Daily Bread – January 27, 2002