Honest Weights


The LORD hates people who use dishonest scales. He is happy with honest weights.

People who are proud will soon be disgraced. It is wiser to be modest.

If you are good, you are guided by honesty. People who can’t be trusted are destroyed by their own dishonesty.

Riches will do you no good on the day you face death, but honesty can save your life.

Honesty makes a good man’s life easier, but a wicked man will cause his own downfall.

Righteousness rescues the honest man, but someone who can’t be trusted is trapped by his own greed.

Proverbs 11:1-6

The LORD delights in honesty and blesses those who do right. When you give up easy money, the kind that does not belong to you, you gain God’s approval. If you can be trusted with small things, He will trust you with more important things.

Honesty pays great dividends – God’s approval and a clear conscience.

Our Daily Bread – October 22, 2002