Count Your Blessings


Abraham was now very old and the LORD had blessed him in everything he did.

Genesis 24:1

Abraham received blessing after blessing because he listened to the LORD. He received guidance, the promise of a homeland, great wealth, success in battle, an everlasting covenant from God to be his God, an heir at the age of 100, protection for his family.

Each blessing added one more fiber in the making of a strong chord of faith.

As we review our years, we can see that same wonderful mixture of blessings, promises, and mercy running through our lives, even the trials and lapses of faith. If you can't see your own blessings, it is time for you to recount, and recount until you do see the blessings you have received. They are there.

Praise to God comes naturally when you count your blessings.

Our Daily Bread - November 22, 2001