You Have Made So Many Things
The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain – the LORD’s own trees, which he planted. There the birds build their nests; the storks nest in the fir trees. The wild goats live in the high mountains, and the rock badgers hide in the cliffs.
You created the moon to mark the months; the sun knows the time to set. You made the night, and in the darkness all the wild animals come out. The young lions roar while they hunt, looking for the food that God provides. When the sun rises, they go back and lie down in their dens. Then people go out to do their work and keep working until evening.
LORD, you have made so many things! How wisely you made them all! The earth is filled with your creatures.
Psalm 104:16-24
God creates beauty for its own sake. The truly wonderful thing is that he created beauty for anyone who will receive it, as a visible expression of His creativity and His love. Look at nature. Explore it. Don’t just worship nature itself, without knowing God. Because if you find a truly wonderful place, you should have someone to thank. Thank God, who created everything.
Creation is filled with signs that point to the Creator.
Our Daily Bread – August 19, 2002