He Already Knew What He Would Do
After this, Jesus went across Lake Galilee (or, Lake Tiberias, as it is also called). A large crowd followed him, because they had seen his miracles of healing the sick. Jesus went up a hill and sat down with his disciples. The time for the Passover Festival was near. Jesus looked around and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, so he asked Philip, "Where can we buy enough food to feed all these people?" (He said this to test Philip; actually he already knew what he would do.)
John 6:1-6
At certain times in our lives we may feel insignificant and useless. Surrounded by people with greater talent than ours, we are tempted in our weak moments just to settle back and let somebody else do the work. We reason that what we have to offer won't make much difference anyway.
It is much the same way with the use of our abilities for the Lord. Whether our talent is great or small, the performance we give in life, is not complete until we do our best with what we have.
In God's eyes it is a great thing to do a little thing well.
Our Daily Bread - November 17, 2002