My Victory Will Be Final
Look up at the heavens; look at the earth! The heavens will disappear like smoke; the earth will wear out like old clothing, and all its people will die like flies. But the deliverance I bring will last forever; my victory will be final."
Isaiah 51:56-41
The LORD says, "I am the one who strengthens you. Why should you fear mortal man, who is no more enduring than grass? Have you forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth's foundations? Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Their fury can no longer touch you."
Isaiah 51:12-13
"I am the LORD your God; I stir up the sea and make its waves roar. My name is the LORD Almighty! I stretched out the heavens and laid the earth's foundations; I say to Jerusalem, 'You are my people! I have given you my teaching, and I protect you with my hand.'"
Isaiah 51:15-16
What do you fear? How does it look to the One who is in control when we become so afraid of people that we panic and forget to trust entirely in Him? Fearing people is foolish because they are dying creatures, here today and gone tomorrow. People can do us great harm, but the LORD has the last word. Our future and everlasting well-being depend on Him and Him alone.
Faith can break the stranglehold of fear.
Our Daily Bread - July 29, 2001