Listen to God, not to yourself
Perhaps you have felt a shadow come over your spiritual life recently. Or maybe you are struggling under a seemingly unbearable burden. If so, bow your head and thank the LORD for all He has done for you.
"How great are your actions, LORD! How deep are your thoughts! This is something a fool cannot know; a stupid man cannot understand: the wicked may grow like weeds, those who do wrong may prosper; yet they will be totally destroyed, because you, LORD, are supreme forever." Psalms 92:5-8
Most of us do our share of complaining, but few of us see it for what it is. If you are a grumbler, ask God to change you. It is a sad thing to impoverish yourself with what you think you need, when He is longing to bless you with His best!
"They forgot the God who had saved them by his mighty acts in Egypt. What wonderful things he did there! When God said that he would destroy his people, his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God and kept his anger from destroying them. Then they rejected the pleasant land, because they did not believe God's promise. They stayed in their tents and grumbled and would not listen to the LORD. So he gave them a solemn warning that he would make them die in the desert and scatter their descendants among the heathen, letting them die in foreign countries." Psalms 106:21-27
When was the last time you openly and unashamedly praised God for helping you in your difficulties? It is said that if Christians praised God more, the world would doubt Him less. Not only is it appropriate to express your gratitude for all His benefits, but your example may also encourage others to move from doubt to faith as you praise Him.
"The LORD judges in favor of the oppressed and gives them their rights. He revealed his plans to Moses and let the people of Israel see his mighty deeds. The LORD is merciful and loving, slow to become angry and full of constant love. He does not keep on rebuking; he is not angry forever." Psalms 103:6-9
Have you said Thank You?