Choosing Joy
Most of us don’t choose a difficult life – it chooses us.
But we can choose our response to it.
Author Lloyd Ogilvie tells of a Christian friend who was physically and emotionally depleted because of extreme pressures. A depressed mood engulfed him. When Ogilvie asked him how he was doing, he said grimly, "Well, joy’s certainly no option!" Ogilvie replied, "You’re right! Joy is no option. It’s your responsibility." Shocked the friend retorted, "You talk about joy as if it were a duty." Ogilvie responded, "Right again!"
He explained that we have a duty to God, ourselves, and others to overcome our moods and to battle through to joy.
In Romans 5, Paul gave these reasons for joy: We have peace with God through Christ, assess into grace, and hope of future glory. We have assurance that tribulation produces perseverance, which in turn builds character and leads to hope. We have hope that doesn’t disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.
Fill you mind with these truths. Then, no matter what your circumstances, you can choose joy.For the Christian, Joy is a choice.
Romans 5:1-11
Our Daily Bread
May 2, 2000