Nothing is more attractive
than Christ likeness
There is nowhere in Scripture where we are told to value people on the basis of how they look. We should not measure people’s worth by whether they are good looking, have beautiful hair and trim bodies, or dress in the finest clothes. We are judged by what is inside, not outside.
People do not have to be physically attractive to acknowledge God in all their ways, or to be unselfish, merciful, and compassionate. It does not take a model’s face to develop self-control, wisdom, and courage. These are the qualities of truly beautiful people.
"Happy are those who trust the LORD,
who do not turn to idols
or join those who worship false gods.
You have done many things for us,
O LORD our God;
there is no one like you!
You have made many wonderful plans for us.
I could never speak of them all
their number is so great."
Psalm 40:4-5