God Does Not Hang Up On Us,
And Prayer Helps Us Hang On!
I will remember your great deeds, LORD; I will recall the wonders you did in the past. I will think about all that you have done; I will meditate on your mighty acts.
Everything you do, O God, is holy. No god is as great as you. You are the God who works miracles; you showed your might among the nations. By your power you saved your people, the descendants of Jacob and of Joseph.
Psalm 77:11-15
When it seems God is not listening what should you do? Recognize that your experience is not unique and does not mean you are an outcast from God's redeemed family. Seek out a fellow believer with whom you can share your feelings and ask for prayer. Meditate on the truths of Scripture and what God has done for you in the past. Keep on praying in faith to your great God, no matter how silent heaven may seem. Remember, our God is "the God who does wonders"!
Our Daily Bread - July 24, 2001