Give Thanks To The Lord, For He Is Good


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.

To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. Who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever.

Who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever.

Who made the great lights—His love endures forever.

The sun to govern the day, His love endures forever.

The moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever.

Psalm 136: 1-9

Nature is never wasted. It daily displays the truth, goodness, and beauty of the One who brought it into being. Every day nature offers a new and fresh declaration of God’s glory. Do I see Him through that beauty, or do I merely glance at it and shrug it off in indifference?

All nature declares the beauty of the One who made it. Our response can be worship, adoration, and thanksgiving – for the radiance of the cornflower, the splendor of a morning sunshine, the symmetry of one particular tree.

A trickling waterfall, the wind in the willows, a baby robin, a tiny flower, Why not begin your thankfulness with this?

God is the beauty behind all beauty.

Our Daily Bread – February 5, 2017