“Today This Scripture Is Fulfilled

 In Your Hearing”


Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.  And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.

So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.  And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him.  And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 

Luke 4:14-21

Early in His ministry, Jesus went up in a synagogue in Nazareth, and read from Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Then Christ sat down and declared, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Centuries earlier, the prophet Isaiah had proclaimed these words. Now Jesus announced that He was the fulfillment of that promise.

Notice who Jesus came to rescue – the poor, broken-hearted, captive, blind, and oppressed. He came for people dehumanized by sin and suffering, by brokenness and sorrow. He came for us!

No matter how impersonal the world may seem,

Jesus loves each of us as if we were His only child.


Our Daily Bread – January 31, 2016