“’Here Is Where Your Proud Waves Halt’”?


Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: “Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge?


Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.


“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.


Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?


On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?


“Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’?


Job 38:1-11


Our heart beats about 100,000 times every day, pumping blood to every cell in our bodies. This adds up to about 35 million beats a year and about 2.5 billion beats in an average lifetime. Medical science tells us that every contraction is similar to the effort it would take for us to hold a tennis ball in our palm and give it a good hard squeeze.


Yet as amazing as our heart is, it is only one example of a natural world that is designed to tell is something about our Creator. This is the idea behind the story of a man named Job.


Broken by a series of mounting troubles, Job felt abandoned. When God finally spoke, He didn’t tell Job why he was suffering. Nor did the Creator tell him that someday He would suffer for Job. Instead. He drew Job’s attention to a series of natural wonders that are always whispering to us – and sometimes shouting – about a wisdom and power far greater than our own.


What can we learn about the complexity of this hard working muscle, the heart? The message may be similar to the sound of waves coming to shore and stars quietly shining in the night sky. The power of wisdom of our Creator give us reason to trust Him.


When we reflect on the power of God’s creation, we see the power of His care for us.


Our Daily Bread – December 10, 2014