Words Of Comfort



Brothers and sisters, we want you to know what happens to those who die. We don't want you to be sad, as other people are. They don't have any hope.

We believe that Jesus died and rose again. When he returns, many who believe in him will have died already. We believe that God will bring them back with Jesus.

That agrees with what the Lord has said. When the Lord comes, many of us will still be alive. We tell you that we will certainly not go up before those who have died.

The Lord himself will come down from heaven. We will hear a loud command. We will hear the voice of the leader of the angels. We will hear a blast from God's trumpet. Many who believe in Christ will have died already. They will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them. We will be taken up in the clouds. We will meet the Lord in the air. And we will be with him forever.

So cheer each other up with these words of comfort.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

So, what does happen to us when we die on this earth? If you believe in Jesus Christ you already know the answer. We go to heaven. We are reunited with our Maker. We are reunited with our loved one, our people.

Jesus is our hope for salvation. As we await our Saviors return, let us keep on praying, working, and watching.

As this world gets darker,

 the promised return of God’s Son gets brighter.

Our Daily BreadApril 7, 2010