Everyone The Same
My brothers and sisters, you are
believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. So treat everyone the same.
Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and
fine clothes. And suppose a poor man in worn-out clothes also comes in. Would
you show special attention to the one who is wearing fine clothes? Would you
say, "Here's a good seat for you"? Would you say to the poor person,
"You stand there"? Or "Sit on the floor by my feet"? If you would, aren't you treating some people
better than others? Aren't you like judges who have evil thoughts?
My dear brothers and sisters, listen to me. Hasn't God chosen
those who are poor in the world's eyes to be rich in faith? Hasn't he chosen
them to receive the kingdom? Hasn't he promised it to those who love him?
But you have put poor people down. Aren't rich people taking
advantage of you? Aren't they dragging you into court? Aren't they speaking
evil things against the worthy name of Jesus? Remember, you belong to him.
The royal law is found in Scripture. It says, "Love your
neighbor as you love yourself."—(Leviticus
James 2:1-9
In the early church, James spoke out against favoritism. He
cautioned about judging people by their clothes or age.
When people attend our churches, are they treated impartially?
Or do we show favoritism to the wealthy or elite? God calls us to show concern
for and interest in all people, regardless of their station in life. Welcome
all who join us in worshipping the Lord!
God lets us into His fellowship. What
are we to keep others out?
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