The Good News About Christ



May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Jesus gave his life for our sins. He set us free from this evil world. That was what our God and Father wanted. Give glory to God for ever and ever. Amen.


I am amazed. You are so quickly deserting the One who chose you because of the grace that Christ has provided. You are turning to a different "good news." What you are accepting is really not the good news at all.


It seems that some people have gotten you all mixed up. They are trying to twist the good news about Christ.


But suppose even we should preach a different "good news." Suppose even an angel from heaven should preach it. I'm talking about a different one than the good news we gave you. Let anyone who does that be judged by God forever. I have already said it. Now I will say it again. Anyone who preaches a "good news" that is different from the one you accepted should be judged by God forever.


Am I now trying to get people to think well of me? Or do I want God to think well of me? Am I trying to please people? If I were, I would not be serving Christ.


Galatians 1:3-10


When there are disturbances we need a way to check things out. What is the cause, and where did it come from? The same is true for false teachings. We have the Bible to compare all things against. It is our standard for living.


Faithfully study the Scriptures so you can detect false teachings and proclaim the word of God’s wonderful salvation through faith in Jesus.


If you know the truth, you can discern what is false.


Our Daily BreadFebruary 16, 2010