The Eyes Of The Lord Are Everywhere



A gentle answer turns anger away. But mean words stir up anger.

The tongues of wise people use knowledge well. But the mouths of foolish people pour out foolish words.

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere. They watch those who are evil and those who are good.

A tongue that brings healing is like a tree of life. But a tongue that tells lies produces a broken spirit.

A foolish person turns his back on how his father has trained him. But anyone who accepts being corrected shows understanding.

The houses of those who do what is right hold great wealth. But those who do what is wrong earn only trouble.

The lips of wise people spread knowledge. But that's not true of the hearts of foolish people.


Proverbs 15:1-7


We please the Lord with our tongue when we show discernment.


It is important to use kind, positive words – even to address tough subjects.


Avoid words that reflect poorly on who we are as God’s children.


To honor god in each part of life, use words that are pleasing and acceptable to a holy God.


What we say reveals who we are.


Our Daily BreadMay 3, 2010