“Many Sins Have Been Forgiven”

There was a woman in that town who had lived a sinful life. She learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house. So she came with a special sealed jar of perfume. She stood behind Jesus and cried at his feet. She began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair. She kissed them and poured perfume on them.

 The Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this. He said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him. He would know what kind of woman she is. She is a sinner!"

Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said.

"Two people owed money to a certain lender. One owed him 500 silver coins. The other owed him 50 silver coins. Neither of them had the money to pay him back. So he let them go without paying. Which of them will love him more?"

Simon replied, "I suppose the one who owed the most money." "You are right," Jesus said.

Then he turned toward the woman. He said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water to wash my feet. But she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss. But this woman has not stopped kissing my feet since I came in. You did not put any olive oil on my head. But she has poured perfume on my feet. So I tell you this. Her many sins have been forgiven. She has loved a lot. But the one who has been forgiven little loves only a little."

Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."

The other guests began to talk about this among themselves. They said, "Who is this who even forgives sins?"

Luke 7:37-49

Jesus challenged the Pharisees because of their long-held beliefs in doing good works. He let them know that good works alone would not get them into heaven.

Our challenge is clear. Lulled into thinking how good we are, our love for Jesus wanes because we have forgotten that we also have been forgiven, so many times in the past.

When God starts changing things, He usually begins with changing us.

Our Daily Bread February 2, 2010