Like Christ We Also Can Live A New Life


What should we say then? Should we keep on sinning so that God's grace can increase? Not at all! As far as sin is concerned, we are dead. So how can we keep on sinning? All of us were baptized into Christ Jesus. Don't you know that we were baptized into his death? By being baptized, we were buried with Christ into his death. Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father's glory. And like Christ we also can live a new life.

By being baptized, we have been joined with him in his death. We will certainly also be joined with him in his resurrection. We know that what we used to be was nailed to the cross with him. That happened so our sinful bodies would lose their power. We are no longer slaves of sin. Those who have died have been set free from sin.

We died with Christ. So we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ was raised from the dead and will never die again. Death doesn't control him anymore. When he died, he died once and for all time as far as sin is concerned. Now that he lives, he lives as far as God is concerned.

In the same way, consider yourselves to be dead as far as sin is concerned. Now that you believe in Christ Jesus, consider yourselves to be alive as far as God is concerned.

Romans 6:1-11

For people who are diagnosed and then treated for cancer, they go through a mourning process just as we did when Jesus was crucified. They get treated and feel really bad for three days. Then they get up, figure out what they have to do, and get on with their lives. It is much the same as death, burial, and resurrection. Life is not over, it just takes a new course.

God is in the business of resurrection. For those who have died in Christ, the death of one reality means resurrection to a new, glorious normal so that we can walk with new life in us.

To be “in Christ” is to share in His life, in His death, and in His resurrection.

Our Daily BreadApril 3, 2010