Give Her The Reward She Has Earned



When it snows, she's not afraid for her family. All of them are dressed in the finest clothes.

 She makes her own bed coverings. She is dressed in fine linen and purple clothes.

Her husband is respected at the city gate. There he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

She makes linen clothes and sells them. She supplies belts to the traders.

She puts on strength and honor as if they were her clothes. She can laugh at the days that are coming.


She speaks wisely. She teaches faithfully.

She watches over family matters. She is busy all the time.

Her children stand up and call her blessed. Her husband also rises up, and he praises her.

He says, "Many women do noble things. But you are better than all the others."

Charm can fool you. Beauty fades. But a woman who has respect for the Lord should be praised.


Give her the reward she has earned. Let everything she has done bring praise to her at the city gate.


Proverbs 31:21-31


Charm is for the deceitful and beauty is for the young. In Proverbs we learn physical beauty is passing. God cares about what is inside us, not our outward appearances.


Women can have that inner beauty and that is to be cherished. Authentic beauty will endure forever in one who loves and respects the Lord.


Righteousness in the heart produces beauty in the character.


Our Daily BreadMarch 19, 2010