Do Not Make God’s Holy
Spirit Sad
Here is what I'm telling you. I am speaking for the Lord as I
warn you. You must no longer live like those who aren't Jews. Their thoughts
don't have any purpose. They can't understand the truth. They are separated
from the life of God. That is because they don't know him. And they don't know
him because their hearts are stubborn.
have lost all feeling for what is right. They have given themselves over to the
evil pleasures of their bodies. They take part in every kind of unclean act.
And they always long for more.
that is not what you have learned about Christ. I'm sure you heard of him. I'm
sure you were taught by him. What you learned was the truth about Jesus.
were taught not to live the way you used to. You must get rid of your old way
of life. That's because it is polluted by longing for things that lead you down
the wrong path.
were taught to be made new in your thinking. You were taught to start living a
new life. It is created to be truly good and holy, just as God is.
So each of you must get rid of your lying. Speak the truth to your neighbor. We
are all parts of one body.
says, "When you are angry, do not sin."—(Psalm
4:4) Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. Don't give the
devil a chance.
who have been stealing must never steal again. Instead, they must work. They
must do something useful with their own hands. Then they will have something to
give to people in need.
let any evil talk come out of your mouths. Say only what will help to build
others up and meet their needs. Then what you say will help those who listen.
not make God's Holy Spirit sad. He marked you with a seal for the day when God
will set you completely free.
rid of all hard feelings, anger and rage. Stop all fighting
and lying. Put away every form of hatred. Be kind and tender to one
another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has
Ephesians 4:17-32
you ever thought about all the forms of pollution there are, not just air,
water and ground pollution? How about the pollution that may be spewing from
your mouth?
critical words. They serve no good.
you want to be rid of verbal pollution, choose to change and ask for God’s
help. It is a great way to start cleaning up our spiritual environment.
Help stamp out pollution – clean up your speech!
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