The Work Of Your Fingers
O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all
the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the
mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to
silence the enemy and the avenger.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars you have established; what are human beings that you are
mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?
Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and
crowned them with glory and honor.
You have given them dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under their feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the
beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever
passes long the paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all
the earth!
Psalm 8:1-9
There are 10 billion trillion trillion
carats in God’s universe. And in the eyes of God, each one of us is precious.
Thousands of years ago, David marveled at the great value
God had set on human beings. In fact, God placed such a high value on us that
it cost Him dearly to buy our redemption. The purchase price was the precious
blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.
If God places such a high value on us, we should also
place a high value on the people He has brought into our lives. Bring them
before the LORD in prayer. Ask Him to show you how each is
more priceless than the most costly jewel in the universe.
We are more precious to Jesus than
the costliest diamond.
Our Daily Bread – August 30, 2009