The Promise
Then what was the
purpose of the law? It was added because of human sin. And it was supposed to
control us until the promised Seed had come. The law was put into effect
through angels by a go-between. A go-between does not take sides. God didn't
use a go-between when he made his promise to Abraham. But the same God was at
work in both the law and the promise.
So is the law opposed
to God's promises? Certainly not! What if a law had been given that could give
life? Then people could become right with God by obeying the law. But Scripture
announces that the whole world is a prisoner because of sin. It does so in
order that what was promised might be given to those who believe. The promise
comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
Before faith in Christ
came, we were held prisoners by the law. We were locked up until faith was made
known. So the law was put in charge until Christ came. He came so that we might
be made right with God by believing in Christ.
But now faith in
Christ has come. So we are no longer under the control of the law.
are all children of God by believing in Christ Jesus. All of you who were
baptized into Christ have put on Christ as if he were your clothes. There is no
Jew or Greek. There is no slave or free person. There is no male or female.
Because you belong to Christ Jesus, you are all one.
You who belong to
Christ are Abraham's seed. You will receive what God has promised.
You are a prisoner of
sin, and so am I.
When we give our
lives to Christ, who has fulfilled the requirements of the law, we are no
longer imprisoned by sin. Instead, we enter a fellowship of people from every
nationality and social status.
In Christ, we are
free indeed!
from sin is the greatest of all freedoms.
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