The One Who Is The Amen


"Here is what I command you to write to the church in Laodicea.

Here are the words of the One who is the Amen. What he gives witness to is faithful and true. He rules over what God has created. He says, 'I know what you are doing. I know you aren't cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other! But you are lukewarm. You aren't hot or cold. So I am going to spit you out of my mouth.

'You say, "I am rich. I've become wealthy and don't need anything." But you don't realize how pitiful and miserable you have become. You are poor, blind and naked.

'So here's my advice. Buy from me gold made pure by fire. Then you will become rich. Buy from me white clothes to wear. Then you will be able to cover your shameful nakedness. And buy from me healing lotion to put on your eyes. Then you will be able to see.

'I correct and train those I love. So be sincere, and turn away from your sins.

'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If any of you hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with you. And you will eat with me.

'I'll give those who overcome the right to sit with me on my throne. In the same way, I overcame. Then I sat down with my Father on his throne.

'Those who have ears should listen to what the Holy Spirit says to the churches.' "

Revelation 3:14-22

Laodicea had a water problem. One nearby town had hot springs, and another, cold clear water. Laodicea had luke warm water that tasted like sulphur.

When we say we have everything we need, but Jesus is not at the top of the list, He is deeply offended. Self-sufficiency distracts us from pursuing the things we really need that only He can give.

He is knocking at your heart’s door. Let Him in. He will give you all you really need!

We always have enough when God is our supply.

Our Daily BreadNovember 16, 2009