Live In A Way That Brings Honor

I know that you are praying for me. I also know that the Spirit of Jesus Christ will help me. So no matter what happens, I'm sure I will still be saved.

I completely expect and hope that I won't be ashamed in any way. I'm sure I will be brave enough. Now as always Christ will be lifted high through my body. He will be lifted up whether I live or die.

For me, life finds all of its meaning in Christ. Death also has its benefits.

Suppose I go on living in my body. Then I will be able to carry on my work. It will bear a lot of fruit. But what should I choose? I don't know. I can't decide between the two. I long to leave this world and be with Christ. That is better by far.

But it is more important for you that I stay alive. I'm sure of that. So I know I will remain with you. And I will continue with all of you to help you grow and be joyful in what you have been taught. I'm sure I will be with you again. Then your joy in Christ Jesus will be greater than ever because of me.

No matter what happens, live in a way that brings honor to the good news about Christ. Then I will know that you stand firm with one purpose. I may come and see you or only hear about you. But I will know that you work together as one person. And I will know that you work to spread the teachings of the good news.

Philippians 1:19-26

What would you be willing to die for? Would you die in order to spread the gospel? Paul knew the answer. To live is to live for Christ, even if it means dying on this earth sooner rather than later.

Those who faithfully hear the cross in this life

 will wear the crown in the life to come.


Our Daily BreadOctober 3, 2009