Like His Son


In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak. We don't know what we should pray for. But the Spirit himself prays for us. He prays with groans too deep for words. God, who looks into our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit. And the Spirit prays for God's people just as God wants him to pray.

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose.

God planned that those he had chosen would become like his Son. In that way, Christ will be the first and most honored among many brothers.

Romans 8:26-29

Do we remind others of Jesus Christ? If not, why not?

Being like Jesus is not about keeping the rulers, going to church, and tithing. It is about knowing His forgiveness, and committing acts of grace and mercy on a consistent basis. It is about living a life that values all people. And it is about having a heart of full surrender to the will of our Father.

Be like Jesus. You were saved for it!

Live in such a way that others see Jesus in you.

Our Daily BreadOctober 26, 2009