Honor Me


The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. He said, "Speak to the people of Israel. Tell them, 'You will enter the land I am going to give you. When you do, you must honor me every seventh year by not farming the land that year.

"'For six years plant your fields. Trim the branches in your vineyards and gather your crops.

"'But the seventh year must be a sabbath for the land. The land must rest during it. It is a sabbath year in my honor. Do not plant your fields. Do not trim the branches in your vineyards. Do not gather what grows without being planted. And do not gather the grapes from the vines you have not taken care of. The land must have a year of rest.

"'Anything the land produces during the sabbath year will be food for you. It will be for you and your male and female servants. Your hired workers will eat it. So will people who live with you for a while. And so will your livestock and the wild animals that are in your land. Anything the land produces can be eaten.

Leviticus 25:1-7

In the calendar of ancient Israel, God set up a remarkable means of readjusting things. Just as mankind was commanded to rest every seventh day, so the land was allowed to rest during the seventh year. This sabbatical year allowed the farmland to replenish for greater fertility. In addition, debts were canceled and Hebrew slaves were set free.

With our schedules we also need to readjust. Demands of work, family, and church can all require reevaluation. One way we do that is by observing the Sabbath principle – making sure to set aside time to rest and prayerfully refocus our priorities.

To make the most of your time, take time to pray. Honor God by keeping your priorities in life straight. Take time to rest.

Our Daily Bread – December 13, 2009