“His Time Is Short”
was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. And the
dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon wasn't strong enough. He and
his angels lost their place in heaven.
great dragon was thrown down to the earth, and his angels with him. The dragon
is that old serpent called the devil, or Satan. He leads the whole world down
the wrong path.
I heard a loud voice in heaven. It said, "Now the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God have come. The authority of his Christ has come.
Satan, who brings charges against our brothers and sisters, has been thrown
down. He brings charges against them before our God day and night. They
overcame him because the Lamb gave his life's blood for them. They overcame him
by giving witness about Jesus to others. They were willing to risk their lives,
even if it led to death. So be joyful, you heavens! Be glad, all you who live
there! But how terrible it will be for the earth and the sea! The devil has
come down to you. He is very angry. He knows his time is short."
Revelation 12:7-12
Bible tells us Satan is in the business of fooling people. He is not an
enlightened advisor. He will not survive. God will survived. Good will survive.
Until the day when Satan is cast down into the fire, live a godly life that
reflects the image of Christ. He is a man of truth.
Satan offers nothing but tricks and deceit.
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