The Lord God Will Be Their
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as
crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of
the street of the city. On either side of the river is the
tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month;
and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Noting
accursed will be found there any more. But the throne of God and of the Lamb
will be in it, and his servants will worship him; they will see his face, and
his name will be on their foreheads. And there will be no more night; they need
no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will
reign forever and ever.
Revelation: 22:1-5
December is the month we celebrate miracles. The Jewish tradition
of Hanukkah commemorates the time when a small amount of oil lasted eight days
and kept the light in the temple from going out. And Christmas celebrates the
coming of the “Light of the World,” our Lord Jesus Christ. God came to us in
human form – Jesus.
A miracle is generally thought of as something that contradicts
nature. But a true miracle is the introduction of God’s supernatural power into
our world in a way that suspends the laws of physics as we understand them.
We all want to believe that darkness, disease, and death can be
overcome, and with Jesus that is all possible.
Perhaps the most wondrous thing about miracles is that it is God’s
nature to do the supernatural. God will one day bring to an end the unnatural
rule of Satan and begin His righteous reign as the rightful Ruler of the
A miracle needs no explanation to those who
believe in God;
to those who don’t,
no explanation is enough.
Our Daily Bread – December 22, 2008