The LORD Is Driving Them Out Before You


When you come into the land that the LORD your God is giving you, you must not learn to imitate the abhorrent practices of those nations. No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells, or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For whoever does these things is abhorrent to the LORD; it is because of such abhorrent practices, that the LORD your God is driving them out before you. You must remain completely loyal to the LORD your God. Although these nations that you are about to dispossess do give heed to soothsayers and diviners, as for you, the LORD your God does not permit you to do so.


Deuteronomy 18:9-14


We live in a time when people are desperate to know their future. This has not changed since the time of the ancient Israelites. God knew they would be tempted to consult ungodly sources for answers, so He warned them away from mediums and those who contact the dead.


God knew that these practices would prevent ancient Israel from being a holy, set-apart people who would be a blessing to all nations. The future for Israel was determined by their faithfulness to God’s covenant, not the words of soothsayers and psychics.


We, as Christians, already know our future. We will die on this earth, and we will gain a new eternal life in heaven. When you want information about your own future, turn to the sovereign God of heaven. He is the only One who holds the answers you seek.


The what of our future is determined by the who of eternity.


Our Daily Bread – July 28, 2008