When They Call To Me,

 I Will Answer Them


Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.


For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.


Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.


Psalm 91:9-16


We all know we are not supposed to worry, because God will take care of us. We do have to do our jobs and go as far as we can. Then, when we have gone as far as we can, the Spirit will guide us, and help us. However, a wise man never waits until they can go no further, the wise man will worship and pray to God from the beginning, so that desperation never takes place.


The future can be a scary place. The unknown can be overwhelming, especially when the known has so many struggles. That’s why we need to trust in what God has promised. No matter what situation we face, we can depend on God’s promise of help – regardless of what trouble the world will be in. God will never leave us. He will never ever forsake us.


Those are great promises to depend on when we start to worry about the future, whether it is ours or the next generation’s.


We may not know what the future holds,

but we can trust the One who holds the future.


Our Daily BreadJune 11, 2007