“What Should I Do With Jesus”



Now at the festival the governor was accustomed to release a prisoner for the crowd, anyone whom they wanted. At that time they had a notorious prisoner, called Jesus Barabbas. So after they had gathered, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you, Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Messiah?” For he realized that it was out of jealousy that they had handed him over. While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for today I have suffered a great deal because of a dream about him.” Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed. The governor again said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said, “Barabbas.” Pilate said to them, “Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” All of them said, “Let him be crucified!” Then he asked, “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”


Matthew 27:15-23


People can fall from grace in such a short period of time. One day a person is a hero, and the next day the same person can be disgraced.


Scripture contains an example of fickleness that is far more serious. A great multitude in Jerusalem praised, honored, and cheered Jesus on the Sunday he entered the city riding a donkey. But just a few days later, some of those same people may have been in the crowd calling for Jesus’ crucifixion. On Sunday they worshipped Him, but on Friday they didn’t want Him around anymore. And by Monday He was Lord to them again. Don’t waver in you relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we worship Jesus heartily on Sunday, but the very next day we live as if we find His presence intrusive. Or we tell Him on Sunday that we love Him, but then we fail to obey Him throughout the week. Worship Jesus every day of the week – not just on Sunday.


Worshipping God should be a full-time experience.


Our Daily BreadApril 5, 2007