I Looked

And Received




I passed by the field of one who was lazy, by the vineyard of a stupid person; and see, it was all overgrown with thorns; the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down. Then I saw and considered it; I looked and received instruction. A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want, like an armed warrior.


Proverbs 24:30-34


Have you ever compared the time and energy that goes into a well cared for lawn, and then look at one that is not so well cared for? It takes constant work to keep a lawn in good shape. And we are not that much different.


The thistles of self-interest grow within each of us, while that fruit that pleases God requires constant weeding and watering through prayer, confession, and obedience to the Lord. Without these, the soil of our hearts will become choked with the thorns of trivial pursuits and greed.


The garden of our heart needs constant weeding and care.


Our Daily Bread – April 24, 2007