Distressing Times

 Will Come



You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to the outward form of godliness but denying its power. Avoid them! For among them are those who make their way into households and captivate silly women, overwhelmed by their sins and swayed by all kinds of desires, who are always being instructed and can never arrive at a knowledge of the truth. As Jannes and Jamres opposed Moses, so these people, of corrupt mind and counterfeit faith, also oppose the truth. But they will not make much progress, because as in the case of those two men, their folly will become plain to everyone.


2 Timothy 3:1-9


There is something within each of us that values how we look on the outside more than who we are on the inside. It causes some people to pad their importance so that they become puffed up with pride. But it has no place in our lives as followers of Jesus.


Paul warned Timothy about people in the church who had a form of godliness but denied its power.


We should not just talk like Christians, we should be Christians in everything we do, everything we say, and with everybody we meet.


God calls us to

 authentic living today.


If you are true to God,

you won’t be false to others.


Our Daily BreadFebruary 26, 2007