“Be Alert”
“…for I did not shrink from declaring
to you the whole purpose of God. Keep watch over yourselves and over all the
flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the
Throughout your life you may be asked
to justify your beliefs. Those beliefs should be founded and based on what the
Bible says. So if you are asked to give a witness statement and an elder wants
to see your Bible, show it to them. If they then give your Bible back to you,
as your message is delivered, it is a tangible way of showing the church family
that the leadership has entrusted the ministry of the Word to you on that day.
In Acts 20, Paul met with the elders
of the church at
No matter what our calling is, handle
the Word with care. When we do, God’s people will grow.
uses the Word of
to change the people
of God.
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