“’Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’”



“Again, you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have made to the LORD.’ But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’, anything more than this comes from the evil one.”


Matthew 5:33-37


It is important that Christians act and speak so the Savior is glorified. When you give your word, keep it. If you make a commitment, honor it. If you take on an obligation, fulfill it.


Our honesty and reliability should be so evident that we can be trusted for any contract we make. If you give your word, that should be good enough. You should do it. You should be relied on to do it.


If you are tempted to go back on a promise, remember you have an agreement, a treaty, and it is not to be broken.


You can only glorify God if you treat others with the respect that God treats you.


Never give your word unless you intend to keep it.


Our Daily BreadApril 26, 2006