Place To Place,
Proclaiming The Word
And Saul approved of their killing
That day a severe persecution began
against the church in
Now those who were scattered went from
place to place, proclaiming the word. Philip went down to the city of
Christians are not immune from the
storms of life. Real storms, hurricanes, floods,
terrorism all affect us. It is likely that thousands of people who love the
Lord have found themselves in places they never expected to live. However, just
like in the day when Saul was scattering the Christians, those same Christians
want to spread their message, wherever they are. While none of us would choose
the kind of financial loss from a hurricane, would we see it as an opportunity
to share the hope Jesus Christ has given us?
If we are
we can scatter
the seeds of the gospel
wherever we go.
There’s no
wrong place to share the gospel.
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