“He Shall Be To You
A Restorer Of Life”
So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When they came
together, the LORD made her conceive, and she bore a son. Then the women said
to Naomi, “Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without next-of-kin;
and may his name be renowned in
Ruth 4:13-22
Naomi had had a family. Her husband and sons had died, and she
concluded that the hand of God had gone against her.
Rather than judge her circumstances in light of her identity as
a follower of the one true God who had proclaimed unfailing love for His
people, Naomi did what most of us tend to do: she judged God in light of her
circumstances. And she judged wrongly. The hand of the LORD had not gone out
against her. In fact, Naomi had a God-given treasure she had not yet
discovered. Although Naomi lost her husband and two sons, she was given
something totally unexpected – a devoted daughter-in-law and a grandchild who
would be in the lineage of the Messiah.
As Naomi’s life shows us, sometimes the worst thing that happens
to us can open the door for the best that God has to give us.
God’s purpose for today’s events
may not be seen until tomorrow.
Our Daily Bread –