
 Brought Them

 To Their Desired Haven


Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the mighty waters; they saw the deeds of the LORD, his wondrous works in the deep. For he commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths; their courage melted away in their calamity; they reeled and staggered like drunkards, and were at their wits’ end. Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out from their distress; he made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they had quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for he wonderful works to humankind. Let them extol him in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.


Psalm 107:23-32


Mariners have two great fears, neither of which they have control over. One is caused by doldrums in which there is no wind for a sailing ship and it just doesn’t move. The other concern is of great storms.


Sometimes life demands that we weather a storm. At other times it puts us to the test of tedium. We may feel stuck. What we want most is just out of reach. But whether we find ourselves in a crisis of circumstance or in a place where the spiritual wind has been taken out of our sails, we need to trust God for guidance. The LORD, who is sovereign over changing circumstances, will eventually guide us to our desired haven.



God orders our stops

 as well as our steps.



Our Daily BreadJune 26, 2006