Will Be Told
What You Are To Do"
Meanwhile Saul, breathing threats and
murder against the disciples of the LORD, went to the high priest and asked him
for letters to the synagogues at
Acts 9:1-9
When you realize you are in the presence
of the One true God, there can only be one question
you have, and that is how you are supposed to serve. Ask the Lord today what He
would have you do. He will show you the way, and He will give you the tools to
get the job done.
Requests for health, wealth, healing,
success, and even spiritual power are not wrong, but they can become selfish
prayers if they do not flow from a heart determined to obey God. Obedience
expresses our love for God and enables us to experience His love for us.
The best way to
know God's will
is to say
"I will" to God.
Daily Bread -